
SIBAC - Murray Rankin - June 16, 2012


Have you ever had visitors to Saturna who have said that they really would like to move to this amazing island, perhaps with a young family, in order to escape the Big City? How many times have you heard young people say that they would like to set up a business here but lack the experience -- even sometimes to know what questions need to be addressed before they can do so? Even existing business owners on Saturna have been heard to say that they could use a little advice and coaching on how to take their businesses to a new level.

SIPOA Member Survey - June 2012

SIPOA conducts an annual survey of the membership. Below are the results of the SIPOA Member Survey conducted in June of 2012, where 21 members responded. While the results are not necessarily statistically valid, the SIPOA board will use the results to help determine priorities in the coming year.

Score      Rank      Category

7.52        1      Transportation (roads, ferries and fares; BC Transit opportunities)
7.24        2      Business and economic development on Saturna
5.71        3      Property taxation (amount, how it is spent)

Directors Minutes Mar. 24, 2012



DATE HELD:      Saturday, March 24, 2012
LOCATION      Saturna Recreation and Cultural Centre
     Saturna, British Columbia

CALL TO ORDER:      1:05 p.m.

In attendance: Ellen Bourassa

Michael Fry
Ron Hall
Murray Rankin
Bill Schermbrucker
Susie Washington-Smyth

     Regrets: Susan Jamieson-McLarnon
     Ron Monk

     Guests:      Sheila Wallace
     Larry Page (late arrival)


Information on our Taxes - 2012

Some Information on Our Taxes From SIPOA

By Susie Washington Smyth and Ron Hall

At a time when those of us who are property owners on Saturna have just recently received our 2012 B.C. Property Assessment notices and wondering just how much our tax bill will be, it may be timely to highlight some information received from the British Columbia Surveyor of Taxes regarding property taxes paid on Saturna.

Directors Minutes Nov. 12, 2011

DATE HELD:   Saturday, November 12, 2011
LOCATION:      Saturna Recreation and Cultural Centre
         Saturna, British Columbia
CALL TO ORDER:   1:05 p.m.

In attendance:   Paul Brent,
Michael Fry 
Ron Hall
Susan Jamieson–McLarnon 
Ron Monk
Murray Rankin  
Bill Schermbrucker
         Regrets:   Ellen Bourassa