
Letter to Elizabeth May - Rankin - August 23, 2011

Saturna Island Property Owners Association
P. O. Box 27, Saturna, British Columbia, V0N 2Y0


August 23, 2011

Elizabeth May, MP
Saanich and the Islands
House of Commons
Ottawa K1A 0A6

Dear Elizabeth

Re: Payment in lieu of Taxes: Saturna Island and the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

It is such a delight to be able to write you in your new capacity, Elizabeth: sincere congratulations!

Water Workshop - Letter to Members - June 14, 2011

Dear Members:

It has been a month since the Islands Trust sponsored the Ground Water Workshop. Many thanks go out to Trustees, Bev Neff and Dian Johnstone, for their work to make the workshop such as success.

More recently the Moderator’s Report and Minutes of the Proceedings from the Islands Trust have been released. If you haven’t already read the two reports, the SIPOA board encourages all members to read them.

Possible Marine Evacuation Sites - June 27, 2011



By Dawn Wood, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator

In case of wildfire or other emergencies, please remember that only private roads or driveways provide access to beaches and water access on private property. When possible, request permission for emergency use. Maintain an awareness of high and low tides. In ordered evacuations, Coast Guard boats will be patrolling the island and Parks Canada can use its landing craft vessel.