
Washington-Smyth - Highways Ministry Exchange- August 29,2016

From: Susie Washington-Smyth <>
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: Roads on Saturna
To: "Haley, Shawn TRAN:EX" <>
Hi Shawn:
Again, thanks for your attention to our concerns. However, I do have two comments in
response. The road is excessively narrow along East Point Road by the water and over the
“missing link” to allow both a logging truck and a car to pass each other. Also the road is

Reply to C Reif T Johstone - August 10,2016

To: Tom Johnstone, Director Charles Reif, President
Saturna Ratepayers & Residents Assoc. Saturna Community Club
From: Casey Larochelle, Tsawout Band manager
Date: August 10,2016
Subject: Community Meeting and Concerns
I refer to your letter of this date to our consultant Jonathan Secter listing your several concerns regarding
selected aspects of our IR7 Forest Management Project and requesting deferral of the impending jointly
hosted Community meeting to mid-September.