Directors Minutes March 12, 2016

Directors Minutes March 12, 2016

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SIRRA Directors Meeting Minutes 12 March, 2016 Approved 1

Directors meeting, Sat 12 Mar 2016
Directors Present: Valerie McMillan, Ron Hall, Joan Hoskinson, Michael Fry, Ingid Gaines.
Regrets: Jeanne Crerar, Ryan Dentry, Dian Johnstone.
SIRRA members present: Bill Schermbrucker (Past President), Susie Washington-Smythe (Past President), David Osborne.
1. Call to order at 10:03am by Chair Valerie McMillan.
2. Approval of Agenda: approved by consensus with addition of "website management and communication" under New Business.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes: minor corrections were suggested for the minutes of 16Jan2016. Motion by Joan/Ingrid to approve minutes as amended; Carried.
4. Business Arising
4. 1 Membership survey: Bill will use template of previous survey and report results at AGM. Eva Hage will assist.
4.2 Harris Road: Discussion regarding recent issues, especially fire trucks negotiating treacherous route to Trueworthy. Ron will send copy of letter from RCMP to MoTH to Suzie who will try to arrange a personal appointment with current district manager MoTH.
4.3 Website: Ron and Susie working on updates. Discussion regarding proposal to hire company to keep website and listserve up-to-date, utilize social media. Ron, Susie, and David will look into costs and send email to group, report at next meeting. Discussion regarding difficulty of using yahoo groups for listserve vs finding another service, issue arising of history of information.
4.5 Membership/Arrears: Ron reported current membership now 224 with 194 in good standing and 30 arrears. Paypal has proved to be popular choice for payment. Val and Susie will call members still in arrears.
4.6 Annual General Meeting: Recreation Centre booked for Sat28May, 11:00am. Bill will contact proposed guest speaker (health) and report to Joan/board. A backup speaker (solar power) was proposed; Bill will contact David if health speaker unavailable.
4.7 Saturna Island Directory: Ron will submit SIRRA listing information.
4.8 Notifying members of fire hazards during drought conditions: Ingrid will liaison with fire chief, using listserve.
SIRRA Directors Meeting Minutes 12 March,, 2016 Approved 2
5. Committee Reports
5.1 Financial: Treasurer Ron Hall reported revenue/expenses, account balance of $9,265.02. Motion by Ingrid/Val to accept Treasurer's Report, carried.
5.3 Communication: Discussion regarding SIRRA's membership in the Saturna Island Tourism Association. Motion by Bill/Ingrid to renew membership in SITA, carried. Discussion regarding using the new homeowner package to promote SIRRA and local businesses. Proposal to include free Saturna telephone directory with introductory SIRRA membership. Motion by Val/Bill to purchase 10 directories to have on hand for membership offer, carried.
5.4 Roads: Michael reported on continuing issues with Harris road.
5.5 Ferries: Eva Hage submitted written report outlining progress by Ferry Advisory Committee. Possible improvements in schedules will be determined at next meeting in April.
5.6 Property taxes: Discussion regarding tax burden/services on Saturna vs other Gulf Islands, and if recent changes in assessed values resulted in increased share by federal government (parkland). Susie will work with Lorne Bolton on research. Discussion regarding cost assumed by fire dept to replace radios due to government regulatory changes, in addition to property taxes payable.
6. New Business
6.1 Board members: Valerie McMillan and Ingrid Gaines stepping down. The SIRRA Board thanks them for their years of service. The Board may have a maximum of 9 positions, leaving 3 positions vacant for the 2016-2019 term. Nominations are being accepted for election at the AGM.
6.2 Administrative assistance: Joan to ask Bev Lowsley if she can take on extra duties, ie contacting Board members re meetings, plus distribution of agenda and minutes.
6.3 Website management: It was agreed this item was covered earlier in 4.3.
6.4 Advertising for AGM:
6.5 Women's Club Handbook: Ron will look after posting on SIRRA website.
7. Next Meeting: to discuss Agenda for AGM: Fri 13 May, 11:30am, Recreation Centre mezzanine. Joan to prepare draft agenda.
8. Adjournment: meeting adjourned with thanks, 11:25am.
