
Directors Minutes May 29th, 2021

Present:  David Osborne, President and Secretary, Ron Hall, Treasurer, Mairead Boland, Jeanne Crerar, Helen Wale, Serban Craioveanu

Regrets:  Michel Chiasson

1.  The meeting was called to order and the President welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending.  A quorum was noted.  Our presence on the unceded traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples was acknowledged with thanks.

SIRRA Minutes March 27, 2021


1.  The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM by the chair, David.  The directors were welcomed and a quorum declared.  Our presence on the unceded, traditional territory of the Coast Salish, and particularly the Tsawout and Tseycum peoples was acknowledged with thanks.

2.  The agenda was approved as circulated.

3.  The minutes of January 23, 2021 were approved as circulated.

Directors Minutes January 23, 2021

Minutes of a meeting of the directors of SIRRA held January 23, 2021 Present by Teams: Mairead Boland (Vice-President), Michel Chiasson, Helen Wale, Colin Curwen (Treasurer), Jeanne Crerar Regrets: David Osborne (President and Secretary), Serban Criaoveanu 1. The meeting was called to order at 1.08pm and a quorum declared. Mairead (chairing the meeting in David’s absence) welcomed everyone and acknowledged our presence on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples. 2. The agenda was approved by consensus as circulated. 3.

Directors Minutes November 21, 2020

Minutes of a meeting of the directors of SIRRA held November 21, 2020 Present by Teams: David Osborne (President and Secretary), Mairead Boland (Vice-President), Michel Chiasson, Helen Wale, Serban Criaoveanu Absent: Colin Curwen (Treasurer), Jeanne Crerar Guest: Ron Hall 1. The meeting was called to order at 10:35 and a quorum declared. David welcomed everyone and acknowledged our presence on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples. 2. The agenda was approved by consensus as circulated. 3. The minutes of September 19, 2020 were approved as circulated by consensus. 4.

Temporary Use Permit 198 Cliffside: Letter from Bylaw compliance and Enforcement Manager- October 7, 2020

Dear David Osborne: I have received and reviewed your letter of September 24th. After receipt of your letter, I contacted Peter Warburton and asked him for the information that had been referred to Islands Trust. He was able to provide a copy of the E-Referral system record and the recipient email addresses at Islands Trust. I was able to verify that the crown lease application was referred to Islands Trust on the 22nd of August 2019. I was also able to confirm that two Islands Trust email addresses received it.