2021 AGM Minutes Sept 11th, 2021

2021 AGM Minutes Sept 11th, 2021

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DRAFT  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of SIRRA held by Zoom Saturday, September 11, 2021

Present:  David Osborne, President and Secretary, Mairead Boland, Vice-President, Ron Hall, Treasurer, Robert Alloway, Pat Carney, Helen Wale, Jeanne Crerar, Serban Criaoveanu, Ron Mason, Stanley Dosman, Amber Leeb, Don Rutherford, Lee Middleton, Paul Brent.

1.  The meeting was called to order by the President at 11:35 AM.  A quorum was noted.  The members were welcomed and thanked for attending by the chair.  Our presence on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples was acknowledged with thanks.  The passing this year of Harvey Janszen was noted with sadness and a moment of contemplation.  Harvey was a great help to SIRRA with its web presence.  We observed a moment of silence in memory of those who died 20 years ago, and all the others of us negatively impacted by the tragedy known as “9/11”.

2.  The agenda was approved by consent as circulated.

3.  The minutes of the AGM held July 18, 2020 were approved by consent as circulated.

4.  The Vice-President and Treasurer reported on the new SIRRA website now completed.  They, and Colin Curwen, Tyler Stolting and others who worked on it were thanked for a job well done.

5.  Moved by the President, seconded by Robert Alloway that the President’s Report circulated and attached to these minutes be accepted, and that the acts of the directors since the last AGM in 2020 for SIRRA be ratified by the members.  Carried.

6.  Moved by the Treasurer, seconded by Serban Criaoveanu that the Treasurer’s report circulated and attached to these minutes be approved, and that the appointment of auditors be waived for the coming year.  Carried.

7.  Committee reports:

a.  Membership:  Ron Hall and Mairead Boland delivered an oral report on membership which was accepted after discussion by the members present.

8.  The President presented the attached slate of directors to be elected to a one year term.  He noted that under our revised constitution and bylaws, directors now retire each year and must be re-elected for subsequent one-year terms.  He thanked Michel Chiasson for his years of service to SIRRA.  Michel has declined to be elected again.  Robert Alloway has consented to be a director.  The chair called three times for nominations, including self-nomination from the floor.  There being no further nominations, the slate of directors was elected for one-year terms by acclamation.  Congratulations to them, and our thanks for their service to SIRRA and the community.

9.  There was no new business proposed.

10.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 with the date for the next AGM to be set by the directors in due course.

11.  Our local Trustees, Lee Middleton and Paul Brent were welcomed, and a ‘town hall’ about Trust issues was commenced.  Some members no doubt ‘raided the fridge’ for refreshments.  Unfortunately, internet went out for some us shortly after 1 PM.
