AGM Minutes July 18, 2020
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Saturna Island Ratepayers and Residents Association (SIRRA) held by ZOOM conference Saturday, July 18, 2020.
Present: 10 members in good standing. 1. The meeting was called to order at 4PM by the President, Michel Chiasson. He welcomed the members, and declared a quorum present. Our presence on traditional Coast Salish Territory was acknowledged with thanks. Bill Schermbrucker, a long time member and valued director of SIRRA who passed away this past year was remembered with a minute of reflection. 2. The agenda was approved as circulated. 3. The minutes of the 2019 AGM July 27, 2019 were approved as circulated. No business arising. 4. Michel delivered his President's report which had been circulated (attached). Moved by Michel, seconded by Mairead Boland that the report be accepted. Carried, with thanks to Michel for his leadership as President the past 2 years. Moved by David Osborne, seconded by Jeannie Crerar, that the acts of the directors for the past year be ratified by the members. Carried. 5. Mairead reported on the new website (see minutes of directors' meeting of this date). 6. Ron Hall spoke to his Treasurer's report and budget which had been circulated before the meeting (attached). Moved by Ron, seconded by Jeannie that the report be accepted. Carried. Moved by David, seconded by Colin, that the appointment of auditors for the year be waived. Carried. Various members expressed appreciation for the 9 years of service of Ron as director and officer of SIRRA. He must retire having served the maximum three terms. Ron expressed his gratitude to those he has worked with over the years and stated that SIRRA is an important organization on the island. He agreed to work with the Board in future where and when he might be needed for special projects. 7. Ron reported for the membership committee that the membership is down from historic averages and that the numbers are on his report (attached). Mairead agreed to continue with the work of this committee. 8. David reported that as noted above Ron must retire as a director. Most directors are in the midst of a three year term and do not require re-election. David called for nominations from the floor three times. Serban Craioveanu has consented to stand as a director. He is elected by acclamation for a three year term. Jeannie Crerar consented to stand for a further (third and last) three year term, and is re-elected by acclamation. Congratulations and thanks to the seven directors for their service to SIRRA. 9. There was no new business for the AGM.