Directors Minutes December 6, 2014

Directors Minutes December 6, 2014

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Saturna Island Property Owners’ Association
Directors' Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2014 @ 10:00 am

116 Winter Cove Road
Members Present: Eva Hage, Val McMillan, Ron Hall, Jeanne Crerar, Ingrid Gaines, Joan
Hoskinson plus Bill Schermbrucker by phone and Dian Johnstone by Skype
Regrets: Michael Fry
1. Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 10:03am.
2. Approval of Agenda was by consensus.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes
Spelling of Bill Schermbrucker's last name was corrected. Minutes of the September 6
meeting were approved as amended, by consensus.
4. Business Arising from Last Meeting
4.1. Annual membership survey
Susie Washington Smythe has suggested that the survey questions should be more
explicit. Bill noted that generally the questions were appropriate with a few
needing greater specificity in some areas. It was agreed to delete the item on
bylaw changes which is actually an Islands Trust issue. The list of questions was
fine tuned and Eva agreed to do revisions on the Survey Monkey which can then be
circulated to the membership in consultation with Bill and Jeanne. Suggested
closing date of 2 weeks for responses from the date they are sent out.
[Bill left the meeting following this discussion]
4.2. Constitution and name change to SIRRA
The lawyers have filed the Annual Report for SIPOA and are working on a filing
date for SIRRA by the end of December. One member spoke to Val recently
suggesting a meeting for "friendly dialogue". The Open House at the Pub used to
be very well attended but has dropped off in recent years. It was decided to go to
the community following confirmation of the name change to introduce the role of
the organization particularly as it relates to representing island issues to various
levels of government. A community gathering could focus on results of the survey,
update on island issues and town hall discussions. Suggested date of Sunday, April
12, 2015. Details can be finalized at the March meeting.
4.3. Website
Once the name change is formalized conversions will have to be done. There many
files which need to be converted for the new website. Some of the items may be
archived under SIPOA.
SIPOA Directors Meeting, December 6, 2014 Minutes - Approved 1
Saturna Island Property Owners’ Association
4.4. List serve
Yahoo seems to be increasingly complex and frustrating for users. Approximately
half the users have withdrawn from using it. Dian suggested to contact members
to determine why they have left. Alternate ways to communicate with members
regarding use of the List serve were discussed. Ron and Eva will develop some
questions for members on their preferred method for SIRRA communications
and/or suggested alternatives to Yahoo.
[Dian left the meeting following this discussion].
4.5. Joint MoTI submission with MIRRA
Eva reported nothing much is happening relating to this at present. BC Ferries is
working on their 10 year transportation plan and has mentioned short link. This
may be a good time for the joint committee to move ahead with this and start
thinking about how to integrate it into the BC ferry system.
5. Committee Reports
5.1. Financial – Ron Hall reviewed the revenues and expenditures. Some member dues
have come in and reminders are being sent out to those in arrears. There are
currently 221 members in good staniding.
Motion to accept the financial report (Ron). Carried
5.2. Membership – Val McMillan reported that once SIRRA becomes official, new letters
will be sent out to members and prospective members. Fees can be paid using
PayPal which is very convenient for members. Three year membership is
preferred and an automated reminder is sent when about to run out.
5.3. Communication - This was discussed at length above. Once the SIRRA name is
finalized there will be more specific focus on this. Eva will draft a Merry Christmas
notice to be sent out to members.
5.4. Roads – Michael Fry - no report
5.5 Ferries – Ferry Advisory Committee positions are being advertised. Eva has
approached Pan Janzen and Bob Fitzgerald encouraging them to apply. The role
of FAC is to represent the local islands which is different from the lobbying role of
SIPOA. Eva noted that Saturna ridership is down 10% from 2009.
5.6 Health – Dawn Wood has posted messages relating to the retirement of our Home
and Community Care nurse on the SIPOA list serve as well as noting medical clinic
schedule changes over the Christmas holidays. Jeanne reported a concern from
SCC that they may not be able to afford funding of the Medical Clinic into the
future. Since Galiano was successful with their referendum to support operating
expenses of their Clinic this might be something to explore for the next election
cycle in 4 years.
5.7 Property Taxes – Eva plans to submit an item to the Scribbler focused on funding
for Parks and Rec. She has previously done three items relating how our property
SIPOA Directors Meeting, December 6, 2014 Minutes - Approved 2
Saturna Island Property Owners’ Association
taxes are allocated. This will be particularly timely as property tax data will be out
in the new year.
6. New Business
6.1. Real Estate Package ideas
Val reported on an info package she has put together for local Realtors to give to
new property purchasers. She listed and circulated various items from the
package to those present for their perusal.
6.2. Emergency Services meeting feedback to SIPOA.
Val reported that much has changed within Emergency Services regarding what
information can or cannot be maintained and/or shared. Also, there are a variety
of neighbourhoods which may have differing needs in an emergency. Val
suggested that she will ask Dawn to do an information update which can be
circulated/posted. Val will liaise with Dawn.
7. Next Meeting - Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 3pm at Eva's home, 116 Winter Cove Road
8. The Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am.
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