Directors Minutes September 14, 2019
Minutes of a meeting of the directors of SIRRA held Saturday, September 14, 2019
Present: Michel Chiasson, Ron Hall, Mairead Boland, Colin Curwen, Jeanne Crerar, David Osborne
Regrets: Helen Wale
1. The meeting was called to order at noon. Michel welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming.
A quorum was noted. Our presence on unceded Coast Salish traditional territory was appreciated.
Condolences for Helen's recent loss were expressed.
The recent death of Bill Schermbrucker, a former long time member of this board, a stalwart in the
Saturna community, and a good friend, was noted with regret. Discussion of participating in memorial
for Bill. MOVED by Jeanne, seconded by Michel that SIRRA set aside $150.00 to contribute to Bill's
memorial. Carried
David agreed to chair the meeting and produce these minutes.
2. The agenda was approved as circulated, with certain items moved to the top to accomodate Michel
and David having to leave early for fire training, and the addition of 2 items b. And c. under other
3. The minutes of July 27, 2019 were approved as circulated. Mairead to post on the web site.
7.a. All officers from 2018 consented to stand again. After three requests, there were no nominations
from the floor. The officers from 2018 were acclaimed for a further year in their positions.
4. f. Ron Hall delivered a summary financial report. After contingencies, SIRRA has approximately
$3200.00 available in its account. MOVED by Michel, seconded by Mairead that SIRRA respond to
the application from Saturna Heritage Centre (SHC) by granting the sum of $500.00 to be used for a
new display case for two skulls at the Fog Alarm Building (FAB). If the grant cannot be used for this
purpose, SHC to report this back to the SIRRA board for further consideration. Requested that a small
plaque or other appropriate acknowledgement of the grant be attached by SHC to the case. Discussion
ensued. Carried.
a. Jeanne and Mairead reported on progress with the brochure. Mairead will circulate a draft 'three
fold' by email and all directors to provide feed back. Should be 'synched' with web site information.
What is the budget for this? Colin noted whatever we do should be environmentally responsible.
b. Michel had the conversation with Susie and will follow up.
c. David reported FireSmart continues to carry out home assessments. No other updates.
d. David confirmed that the new Bylaws approved at the AGM have been filed in Victoria.
e. David reported that the new quorum is for directors is now half the directors, presently 4/7.
5. Ron delivered an oral treasurer's report. We are in good financial shape.
6. Pat Ropars, long time road maintenance person has retired. The board noted appreciation for his
diligent, excellent work. Andre Green will be trained for the job. He appears to be a good candidate
with the work ethic Pat demonstrated over the years. Jeanne will speak to Barb Ropars and the board
will participate in appropriate thanks for Pat.
7. b. Mairead suggested a response from SIRRA to Islands Trust '2050' initiative. (?)
c. Mairead raised the question of a comprehensive list serve for the Island. (?)
Meeting adjourned at 2.30pm
8. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned with next meeting at the call of the chair (?)