Letter to Members - 2010
Dear Members
Frustrated about the state of our roads? You bet!! In the past several years we have had little to no support from the Ministry of Transportation to enforce their contract with Mainroads (eg. that they fill our potholes within the specified time frame). Thus, several months ago SIPOA’s Executive Committee wrote to the BC Ombudsperson’s Office to request that they look at how the Ministry administers the contract with Mainroads. After discussion with the Ombudsperson’s Office, and submission of our letters, emails (years of) and photos we have sent to MOT, the Ombudsperson’s Office wrote back to SIPOA to announce that they have opened a full investigation. The letter is attached to this email.
This is a good first step. It is a serious investigation and as the folks who drive the roads on a regular basis, we should all be pleased that an objective third party will take a look at the policies, administrative practices, enforcement mechanisms, and personnel in the Ministry of Transportation.
But that is not all. The Executive Committee intends to stay focused on getting our potholes filled, ensuring our crumbling road beds are paved and fixing Harris Road. Finally, we continue to encourage members to write to the Minister of Transportation and to always copy Bob Webb, Operations Manager in the Saanich office (bob.webb@gov.bc.ca) and also copy our MLA, Murray Coell’s office (CHarker@leg.bc.ca).