Directors Minutes August 5, 2016

Directors Minutes August 5, 2016

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SIRRA Directors Special Meeting of August 5, 2016 Approved 1

Saturna Rec Centre, Mezzanine
Directors Present: Joan Hoskinson, Ron Hall, Tom Johnstone, Susie Washington Smyth, David Osborne, Michael Fry, Bill Schermbrucker
Regrets: Jeanne Crerar, Charles Burslem
Other Community Members: Nette Adams (for Charles Burslem ), Charles Reif (SCC), Priscilla Ewbank (SCC)
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Joan Hoskinson at 3:00 pm.
Minutes of June 25, 2016 were adopted with one correction to Tsawout & Tseycum Band Council Administrator's name, which is Karen Harry.
Focus of the meeting: Saturna IR7 Forest Management Project Plan
Tom Johnstone gave a report of the July 26, 2016 meeting with the IR7 representatives which included a walk of the property. As well as the two project managers, two members of the Tsawout band and the band council manager were in attendance.
On the Map of IR7 property, areas in white will be logged (Block A) in 2017. He noted that this is still a plan in flux. As the meeting progressed the forester did most of the explanation of their proposal.
Other members of the Saturna contingent shared their perceptions of the site tour as well as the meeting later that day.
Discussion followed relating to the following:
 Indian lands are Federal Crown lands and are subject to federal laws. The minister has discretion to issue a permit or not based on the evidence provided and if there is no dissent.
 federal and provincial laws set the framework of what communities can or cannot do, identify screening authority (Environmental Protection Act, Species at Risk Act, First Nations Land Management Act )
 community consultation requirement - IR7 team suggested possible dates in August but before a public meeting date can be set we need specific details of their application to INAC; a clear sense of the project to share with our community as a basis for dialogue
Specific local concerns:
 impact of logging truck traffic on the road surfaces
 potential traffic and public safety issues during summer with logging trucks meeting other vehicles travelling to and from ferries on narrow roads
 potential environmental issues
 potential for fire in post logging debris
SIRRA Directors Special Meeting of August 5, 2016 Approved 2
The SIRRA position at the AGM was that we are not opposed to logging as long as the social
and environmental issues are attended to. Road and environmental issues are the ones we can
legitimately attend to. Want to be open and straight-forward but how can we hold a public
meeting until we have clarity regarding the permit process? Also, we need time to notify local
residents of our observations.
The group offered input into the focus and draft wording of a letter to be sent to the IR7
representatives. It was also agreed that once the letter is approved, a copy of the letter will be
posted on the SIRRA site to inform the local community of the discussions and actions so far.
Focus of message: we have spent time and energy meeting with the IR7 representatives and still
do not have sufficient information to take to our community. Suggest they draft a copy of their
permit application so we have accurate information to share. Once that is available a meeting
date can be set.
It was agreed that Tom Johnstone & Charles Reif will draft a letter and circulate it to SIRRA &
SCC directors for vetting prior to sending to the IR7 delegation.
The final focus of discussion related to Parks Canada lack of any participation or input into the
IR7 proposal.
Adjournment: the meeting was adjourned at 4:40pm
