Directors Minutes September 10, 2016

Directors Minutes September 10, 2016

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SIRRA Directors Meeting September 10, 2016 Final Minutes 1

Directors Meeting, September 10, 2016
Recreation Centre Lounge
Present: Joan Hoskinson, Ron Hall, Tom Johnstone, Michael Fry, Bill Schermbrucker, David Osborne
Regrets: Susie Washington Smyth, Jeanne Crerar
Absent: Charles Burslem
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Joan Hoskinson at 10:35 am. There was a quorum.
2. Approval of Agenda: Changes were made to the order of agenda (#4 combine Officers Reports & Committee reports; 5. Business Arising then continue with the remaining items). Approved as amended.
3. Minutes: Approval of minutes of 5 August 2016
Motion by David Osborne, seconded by Tom Johnstone to accept August 5, 2016 summary minutes as circulated. Carried
4. Officers Reports and Committee Reports
Member Survey - Bill Schermbrucker will incorporate questions relating to the IR7 application to get broader community feedback regarding this issue.
Financial - Ron Hall reported a current balance of $8343.00. Expenditures - $800 donation for refurbishing of the community hall; $100 for AGM; Secretary expenses . Deposit of $45 for Member dues.
Roads - Michael Fry reported that Harris road will be closed on Wednesday, September 14 from 6:30am to 2:30pm for repairs. Open only for emergency access. On the days before and following access may be limited while markers are posted then taken down when completed. The Strata Beach strata is paying for this upgrading.
Also, school is back in session so the 35km speed limit is in effect. David Osborne will post information on both of these items on the SIRRA list serve. Michael also noted that Main Roads are patching holes on other island roads.
5. Business Arising
 SIRRA's position on IR7
Discussion of misinformation regarding the SIRRA Board's position on the IR7 logging plan. At a previous meeting it was agreed to draft a SIRRA Board communication policy. This is currently in draft. Ron will review this with David.
SIRRA Directors Meeting September 10, 2016 Final Minutes 2
Motion by Ron Hall, seconded by Bill Schermbruker: That the SIRRA Board inform the Bands (Tsawout and Tseycum) that it respects their right to perform logging operations on IR-7 within jurisdiction and control of the agencies responsible for such developments.
and that:
The role of the SIRRA Board with regard to the proposed logging operation on IR-7 will be, firstly, to:
 facilitate, jointly with the SCC, a community meeting;
and, secondly,
with respect to the logging operations, work with the First Nations and their consultants, to help ensure:
 road safety for travelers and others on the public log transport route;
 protection of the public roads from heavy-load damage;
 clean-up of the property on an on-going basis, as well as following the logging operations, in the interest of fire safety;
and nothing substantial outside the above, unless as directed by the SIRRA Board.
After discussion, a friendly amendment was suggested by Michael Fry to change the last line to delete "nothing substantial outside the above..." and replace it with "nothing further unless as directed by the SIRRA Board."
The amendment was accepted by the movers.
The question was called. The amended motion was Carried, with unanimous support of those present.
Action: Joan, as Chair of the SIRRA Board, will send a letter of introduction to the representatives of the T sawout & Tseycum Bands referring to the motion recently passed at the September 10 SIRRA Directors meeting. The text of the motion will be included.
Joan will also send a copy to Charles Reif, President of the Saturna Community Club, so he will have it for their upcoming Board meeting.
 Letter in response to 10 August letter from IR7
The previous draft of the SIRRA/SCC letter was reviewed, with slight revision to be consistent with the motion passed at this meeting.
6. Old Business - None
7. New Business
SIRRA Directors Meeting September 10, 2016 Final Minutes 3
Board Procedures
 Procedure and protocol for presence of guests at Directors meetings - Ron, David and Tom will work on development of this. They will also work on terms of reference and a code of conduct for SIRRA Board Members.
 Communications policy - David suggested a policy to guide the Communication Officer relating to posting of items on the SIRRA list serve. David, Ron and Tom will work on this as well.
 Confirmation of New Director - The appointment of Charles Burslem as a member of the SIRRA Board was confirmed.
8. Next Regular Meeting of Board - December 10, 2016 at 10:30 am at the Rec Centre
9. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.
