Directors Minutes January 7, 2017
SIRRA Directors Special Meeting January 7, 20167 Final Minutes 1
Special Directors Meeting, January 7, 2017
Recreation Centre Mezzanine
Present: Ron Hall, Bill Schermbrucker, Michael Fry, David Osborne, Jeanne Crerar
Regrets: Tom Johnstone
Absent: Charles Burslem
1. Call to Order at 10:35 am
2. Approval of Agenda - Add report of website updating; Charles Burslem's resignation from the SIRRA Board Motion by Ron/David, to accept the agenda as amended. Carried
3. Adoption of Minutes of 10 December 2016 Adopted by consensus. Bev will email pdf copies of these and previously approved SIRRA minutes to Harvey for posting on the website.
4. Officers Reports Treasurer - In early December Ron sent out reminders to 65 members with only 16 responses so far.
Coast Capital balance = $8173.61; with PayPal dues added, total balance = $8479.07
Ron has contacted Horne & Coupar legal firm regarding the SIRRA documents on file with them. They will send the documents to the SIRRA local post box address.
5. SIRRA Policies
5.1. Code of Ethics - Motion: by Ron/Michael, to adopt the Code of Ethics policy as circulated. Carried 5.2 Electronic Attendance - details and fine points of item were discussed. It was agreed that this would be used for matters needing SIRRA Board attention between regularly scheduled meetings. Motion by David/ Bill, to approve adoption of the of the Electronic Attendance policy as circulated. Carried
There was discussion of the option provided in the bylaw for members of the Board of Directors present at the meeting to each waive, for the purposes of electronic attendance at Board meetings, their right to 1 week notice of meetings as provided in the bylaws. Each also agreed not to withdraw the waiver once such an electronic meeting has been called and the meeting is in progress. The following directors individually waived their right, David Osborne, Bill Schermbrucker, Michael Fry, Jeanne Crerar, and Ron Hall.
SIRRA Directors Special Meeting January 7, 20167 Final Minutes 2
5.3 Communications Protocol - Motion by Michael /Bill to adopt the Communications Protocol as circulated. Carried
6. Old Business 6.1 IR7 status - so far nothing has changed since the community meeting on Saturna November 26, 2016. Following that meeting there were two things IR7 delegates needed to do prior to submission of the permit application.
6.2 Letter to Bands - The letter drafted by the SIRRA Board at the September 12 meeting, which was not sent, as noted in the December 10 minutes, was discussed. Motion by David/Michael, that the September 10 letter be sent now with an apology for the delay. Carried, with one negative vote by Jeanne Crerar
Motion by David/ Michael, to delegate Tom Johnstone to work with Charles Reif of the SCC on a joint letter to the IR7 Band Council members about the community consultation meeting. Carried
7. New Business
7.1 Executive positions - With Joan Hoskinson's resignation SIRRA is without a President. After considering various options for covering the executive positions until and including the AGM, David offered to take on the role of President as well as his current Corporate Secretary role, and Ron offered to act as Vice President along with his current role as Treasurer. Motion by Bill/Michael, to approve the appointment of David Osborne as pro-tem President and Ron Hall as pro- tem Vice President up to and including the AGM. Carried
7.2 Nomination of directors - Charles Burslem has submitted his resignation from the Board. Motion by David to accept Charles Burslem's resignation with regret. Carried It was agreed that David will send Charles a letter accepting his reservation with regret and thanks. Strategies were suggested for identifying possible candidates to approach with invitations to stand for election to the SIRRA Board of Directors. Also suggested was to send a letter to the membership indicating that there are vacancies on the Board, noting the date of the AGM and inviting expressions of interest from potential candidates. Once AGM date is set, notices will also be posted, including request for nominations to the Board.
SIRRA Directors Special Meeting January 7, 20167 Final Minutes 3
7.3 Survey Update Bill, Jeanne and Michael will meet to review the survey report. Bill will present their report at the AGM.
7.4 SIRRA goals for 2017 and longer term Discussion of background and evolution of the various committees with ongoing issues relating to road maintenance, ferry schedules and taxes . These issues are still relevant as well as the new issue of the potential impact of log transport on the island roads and road safety during that process.
8. Next meeting - March 11, 2017 at 10:30am at Rec Centre. The date for the AGM will be set at that meeting.
9. Adjournment at 12:15 pm