Directors Minutes January 13, 2018
Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors of SIRRA
January13, 2018
Present: David Osborne, Jeanne Crerar, Ron Hall, Michael Fry
Absent: Bill Schermbrucker
1. David called the meeting to order at 2 PM, welcomed everyone and noted that there was not a quorum (required 5 directors) until Bill comes.
2. The agenda was approved as circulated.
3. The minutes of September 23, 2017 were approved as circulated. David will contact Harvey to post to website.
4. Matters arising from the minutes:
a. Situation unchanged. Directors will continue to seek a recording secretary and David will produce minutes in the interim.
b. David reported an application to CRD by the Sustainable Health Committee to hold a referendum October, 2018 with the election is under way. The referendum is for the purpose of determining whether the local costs of operation of the Medical Clinic should be collected through taxes. The committee received generally positive feedback during consultation with the community and will advocate for wide participation in the referendum. David, as SIRRA's representative, to remain neutral on the question, as will SIRRA. Information, but not advocacy on the question, may be posted to SIRRA's web site.
c. Jeanne and David reported on the successful installation of the 13 Moons sign. SIRRA's contribution was well spent. The project of reconciliation continues.
d. SIRRA has joined with SIFD and SIFPS to form a 'Saturna Island FireSmart Committee' (SIFC) to implement the recommendations of the Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP) developed in 2010.
e. It was noted that there are three new members of SIPRC and a new chair. David and Ron will continue to communicate with CRD and the new chair to facilitate the publication of financial and other pertinent information with a view to continuing the proposed review, analysis and critique by SIRRA.
f. Ron has constructed a survey in the style of the 'monkey' and containing SIRRA's usual questions which can be posted to our website and used there by our members. When Ron is done, the directors will test the survey with a view to using it this year with members.
g. David reported that he wrote and sent a letter of support for the Galiano Island solar initiative. Tom Mommsen of the Galiano group used the letter and reported that their application for funding was successful and that the letter helped and was appreciated.
5. The Treasurer reported that SIRRA has a balance of $7812.98 in its account and $342.78 in its PayPal account. 2018 membership renewals are due.
6. Membership renewals are due. Those due and unpaid have a one year 'grace' period during which they remain members, but not in good standing. It is generally a lot of work and takes months to obtain these renewals. Ron and Jeanne have obtained information about new property owners on Saturna from the BC Assessment branch, but cannot use this information for solicitation of memberships. Instead, it will be used for an information mail out on SIRRA issues, including the FireSmart program soon.
7. Ron suggested SIRRA show appreciation to Garnet Communications for hosting our website. Ron to follow up and make a suggestion. There was further discussion of recruiting new directors, still desperately needed to ensure a quorum. David will write another Scribbler article.
8. Next meeting April 14, 2018 at 10:30 AM at the Rec. Centre, or sooner at the call of the chair.
9. Meeting adjourned. No quorum. These minutes to be approved with a quorum.