Directors Minutes - Special Meeting March 26, 2018

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Directors Minutes - Special Meeting March 26, 2018

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Minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Directors of SIRRA

Monday, March 26, 2018
Present: David Osborne, Ron Hall, Ron Wilson, Michel Chiasson, Bill Schermbrucker
Regrets: Jeanne Crerar, Michael Fry
Guests: Mairead Boland, Dave Paton.
1. The meeting was called to order by David as chair. A quorum was recognized. A special welcome to Michel and Ron, new directors.
2. Moved by David, seconded by Ron Hall, that:
“The letter recently drafted by Ron to Andrew Weaver, with copies to others, and which had been circulated to the directors, be sent as soon as possible after the Board has a chance to learn and consider the changes to the so-called “speculation tax” referred to in the budget recently put forward by the government of B.C., and that a further letter to the Premier with copies to others to be decided be sent with it in general terms as follows:
That the Board of SIRRA recognizes and is grateful that the government has listened and that the Southern Gulf Islands, including Saturna Island appear to have been exempted from the new property proposed, and
That the proposed tax is still a tax that is bad for B.C. for various reasons to be stated and should be withdrawn entirely, and
That local efforts to address the real problem of lack of affordable housing in British Columbia generally, and Saturna Island in particular should be strongly supported by all levels of government.
After discussion, the vote was unanimous in favour of the motion. Carried.
3. Next meeting: Saturday, April 14 at 10:30 AM.
4. Meeting adjourned.
