Directors Minutes January 26, 2019

Directors Minutes January 26, 2019

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Minutes of a meeting of the Board of SIRRA, Saturday, January 26, 2019

Present: Michel Chiasson (president), Mairead Boland (Vice-President, by phone), David Osborne
(Secretary), Ron Hall (Treasurer), Helen Wale, Jeanne Crerar (Directors at large)
Guests: Bob Fitzgerald and Krystine Hogan, members.
1. The meeting was called to order, David welcomed everyone, especially the guests, and declared a
quorum present.
2. The agenda was approved as circulated with the addition of the guests after item 3., and the addition
of discussion of the current status of logging plans for IR7 as item 6.b.
3. The minutes of November 12, 2018 were approved as circulated. David to arrange with Harvey to
post them to the web site with the treasurer's report.
The guests, representing Saturna Point Holdings (SPH), which operates the pub, campground and fuel
supply, described 2 years of 'talks' with Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) of the Canadian
government, and the CRD about the future of the Lyall Harbour dock facility. SPH has granted a
Statutory Right of Way (SRW) to facilitate the operations of the dock. CRD has been operating the
dock for the past 5 years for DFO. On July 11, 2017 there was an agreement to transfer ownership of
the dock from DFO to CRD which took effect December 15, 2018. DFO paid the CRD approx.
$350,000.00 to facilitate repairs and upgrades to the dock. In addition CRD collects a 'parcel tax' from
properties on Saturna for the dock. There are repairs and an extension planned. Paul Brent is the new
Harbour Commissioner from Saturna.
The Board had some questions, and discussion ensued. The Board delegated David Osborne to contact
Paul Brent and report back to the Board about what was planned for the dock facility, which is so
important to the community on Saturna. The Board thanked the guests for bringing this matter to our
attention and for the information.
4.a. The report in writing was spoken to by Michel and discussion of Membership and
Communications ensued. Ron and Colin Curwen are to meet, address ways to make the SIRRA web
site a 'communications hub', and report back. Discussion of ways to enhance membership included
several ideas such as to attend Island events, make personal contacts with prospective new members,
and a membership 'drive'. Helen will prepare draft 'talking points' respecting SIRRA's purposes.
b. Helen spoke to the report about welcome materials. She and Jeanne will follow up with Patti to
draft a brochure for SIRRA.
c. Ron reported that the letter authorized by the Board to be sent to the Provincial Government about
the 'Foreign Buyers' Tax' and its impact on Saturna was sent and no response received. No further
action at this time as the issue seems to be in hiatus.
d. David reported that the SIPRC has been reorganized under Chair Paul Brent, has new members, and
is beginning to move in what this Board considers is a positive direction respecting finances. No action
required at this time. David will continue to monitor, liaise with Paul Brent, and report as necessary.
e. Michel summarized his recent interactions with the Parks Canada Liaison Committee. Susie
Washington-Smythe, a member of SIRRA has been appointed by the Committee as a co-chair and she
will represent SIRRA's interests as a volunteer and report back, with Michel.
5. Ron delivered his Treasurer's report (attached). The new format was appreciated, thanks for
stimulating that Helen. Ron reported he has not yet followed up on using a GIC. Discussion of an
annual budget process tabled to next meeting. Moved by Ron, seconded by David that the report be
accepted. Carried.
6. a. Discussion of Harris Road tabled.
b. Discussion of rumours that logging will soon proceed on IR7 in accordance with the previous plan.
SIRRA's previous position has not changed. No current action necessary.
c. Discussion of priorities for SIRRA tabled to next meeting.
