Directors Minutes April 15, 2019

Directors Minutes April 15, 2019

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Minutes of a meeting of the Directors of SIRRA held Monday, April 15, 2019

Present: Michel Chiasson (President), Mairead Boland (Vice-President), Ron Hall (Treasurer), David
Osborne (Secretary).
Regrets: Helen Wale, Jeanne Crerar.
1. Michel called the meeting to order. David agreed to chair and take and circulate these minutes. It
was noted that the necessary quorum of 5 directors was not present. Discussion of reducing the
necessary quorum from 5 directors to 3, or to a majority of the directors at the next AGM.
2. The agenda was approved as circulated, with the addition of the following items under '8. Other
b. Planning for the 2019 AGM (David)
c. Letter to Adam Olsen and roads (Michel)
d. Conflict of Interest Policy discussion (Michel)
e. The status of Susie Washington-Smyth (Michel)
3. Approval of the minutes of February 18, 2019 tabled. Ron to clarify #5 about Treasurers' reports.
4. a. Mairead reported that there are now 133 paid up members, including 33 recent renewals. There
are approximately 99 'lapsed' members who have not paid renewal dues. Ron notes that the bylaws
(section 7.c.) provide that they have one year to pay before they lose their rights as members. The
membership committee to consider what to do and report back. Mairead will create a 'flyer' about
SIRRA to use as a promotional tool, and a list of members' status.
b. Update on welcome materials tabled as Helen and Jeanne are absent.
c. David's report (attached) on FireSmart accepted. Moved by David, seconded by Michel that the
$500.00 committed by the Board be directed to expenses to erect 5 signs on the Island after SIFPS pays
its share. Carried.
d. David's draft letter to the Harbours Commission discussed. Other directors to consider content and
follow up by email.
5. Ron reported orally that membership renewals recently resulted in $665.00 of income. Moved by
David, seconded by Ron that Treasurers' reports in writing only in future be delivered 'on demand' from
the Board, or at the discretion of the Treasurer from time to time as necessary, and at the AGM each
year. Carried.
a. Options for a GIC tabled.
6. Further discussion of priorities for SIRRA for 2019.
7. Further discussion of an annual budget process tabled.
8. a. Mairead will draft for review a further letter to the Islands Trust with questions about budget.
b. Discussion of the date for a 2019 AGM, usually held round the end of May each year. Discussion of
a date to be decided. Discussion of a 'Special Presentation', Mairead to contact SIMRES to ask them to
present about their latest work. Other ideas?
c. Discussion of meeting with Adam Olsen and showing him Harris Road next time he is on Island.
David will contact John Hutchinson, Chair of SIFPS to discuss IR7 fire hazard and to encourage him to
discuss a statement of information for the community about plans for IR7.
d. Discussion and clarification of Conflict of Interest Policy of SIRRA.
e. Discussion of the status of Susie W. As a volunteer member representative of SIRRA to the Parks
Liaison Committee. She is not a director but should have a suitable title to gain credibility with the
Committee. Michel to follow up with her and 'title' her.
