AGM Minutes-draft July 27, 2019
(Draft) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Saturna Island Ratepayers and Residents
Association (SIRRA) held at Saturna Island, Saturday, July 27, 2019
Present: 12 members in good standing. 2 guests
1. The meeting was called to order at 11:45 by the President, Michel Chiasson. He welcomed the
members and guests, and declared a quorum present. The Secretary, David Osborne agreed to chair the
2. The agenda was approved as circulated with the addition of a report from the SIRRA delegate to the
Parks Canada Liaisson Committee (PCLC), Susie Washington-Smythe.
3. The minutes of the 2018 AGM June 3, 2018 were approved as circulated.
4. MOVED by David Osborne, seconded by Michel Chiasson, “that the current bylaws of the Saturna
Island Ratepayers and Residents Association be deleted, and that the 'model bylaws' attached to the
current B.C. Societies Act (Societies Regulation 2015 Schedule 1) be adopted as the new bylaws from
this date.” Discussion ensued. Motion carried unanimously. The Secretary to effect the necessary
5. MOVED by David Osborne, seconded by John McMillan, “that the quorum for a directors meeting
be changed from the current five directors to three directors effective immediately.” Discussion
ensued. Motion carried unanimously. The Secretary to effect the necessary changes.
6. The President delivered his report orally. (attached) MOVED by David Osborne, seconded by
Colin Curwen, that the report be accepted and that the acts of the directors since the 2018 AGM be
ratified by the members. Discussion ensued. Carried unanimously.
7. The Treasurer, Ron Hall delivered his report (attached). MOVED by Ron Hall, seconded by David
Osborne that the report be accepted and the appointment of auditors for the year be waived. Discussion
ensued. Carried unanimously.
8. Ron Hall delivered a membership report orally. He reported 147 paid up members in good standing,
a further 26 in good standing with dues owing, and a further large number whose memberships have
expired due to non-payment of dues. Discussion ensued of the difficulty of identifying and
approaching new Island residents to recruit them to join SIRRA. Several useful suggestions were made
to the Membership Committee working on this issue and a brochure. All members asked to approach
any new residents.
Susie Washington-Smythe has volunteered and was appointed by the Board to be SIRRA's
representative to the PCLC. As such, she reported that she is the co-chair with Lee Middleton, and they
are gratified by the progress of negotiations with Parks Canada to date since the committee was
reorganized and the priorities clarified.
9. David Osborne reported that 5 of 6 current directors are in the middle of their three year terms of
office and do not require re-election. David Osborne nominated and elected for a further three year
term from 2019 to 2022. The Secretary called for further nominations from the floor three times. Colin
Curwen nominated and elected for a three year term from 2019 to 2022.
10. Susie Washington-Smythe reported that a public meeting affecting members of SIRRA directly
will be held at the Community Hall at 7 PM, Thursday, August 15th, 2019. It is part of an information
and consultation effort by the federal government respecting the new regulations for the support of the
Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) population. Susie and director Mairead Boland will prepare
a presentation and questions on behalf of SIRRA. Susie urged the directors to write a letter.