Directors Minutes Sept 14th, 2021
Minutes of a meeting of the directors of SIRRA held Tuesday, September 14th, 2021 by Zoom
Present: Mairead Boland, Vice-President, David Osborne, Secretary, Ron Hall, Treasurer, Jeanne Crerar, Robert Alloway, Serban Criaoveanu, Helen Wale
1. David Called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM and welcomed everyone, and particularly our new director, Robert Alloway. He noted a quorum present. It was noted that no notice was required for this first meeting after the AGM.
We acknowledged our presence on the traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples with thanks.
2. The agenda was approved by consent as circulated with the addition of a notice from Jasco about hydrophone maintenance in Boundary Pass to be added under #8. Other Business.
3. The minutes of September 11, 2021 were approved by consent as circulated.
4. The following officers were appointed by consent for the following year:
President: No one at this time. David will chair meetings and Mairead will otherwise act as necessary.
Vice-President: Mairead Boland
Secretary: David Osborne
Treasurer: Rob Hall
These directors were thanked for their past service and willingness to continue.
5. Discussion of surveys of members moved to #7 on agenda.
6. Discussion of membership strategy moved to #7 on agenda.
7. A thorough discussion of the three related issues of membership, surveys of members, and the current, urgent issue of a request from the Islands Trust to the Province for delegated authority over tree-cutting in the Trust areas ensued. Various points of view were put forward. Mairead demonstrated a simple survey tool using which she had constructed a test survey of members about the issue.
She proposed with the help of Jeanne to modify the survey to take into account the comments of the directors, and to distribute it to our membership and on island media for responses immediately. The board agreed to this.
She proposed to reserve for SIRRA a time slot of approximately 5 minutes at the upcoming Trust Council meeting September 21st to put forward the summary results of the survey and a statement suggesting that the Trust halt the process until it could conduct an extensive consultation with the Trust communities. The board agreed to this. A representative for the meeting on the 21st will be chosen by the board by email.
8. Other Business:
a. David noted that a request had been received from Jasco and shared with the board to circulate their notice to the community about upcoming work October 6 to 12th on the Boundary Pass hydrophone array installed by them in 2018 for Transport Canada. David noted this was consistent with SIRRA’s previous position on the nuisance caused by the installation. The board agreed that Mairead as communications director would circulate the notice to our members and the community.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM with no date set for a next meeting.