Directors Minutes January 16, 2016

Directors Minutes January 16, 2016

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Draft SIRRA Directors Minutes of January 16, 2016 1

Directors Meeting, January 16, 2016
(rescheduled from December 2015)
Directors Present: Joan Hoskinson, Jeanne Crerar, Ron Hall, Michael Fry, Ryan Dentry, Ingrid Gaines
Regrets: Valerie McMillan, Dian Johnstone (unable to connect on Skype)
SIRRA Member: Bill Schermbrucker
1. Call to order
Chair Joan Hoskinson called the meeting to order at 10:07am
2. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved by consensus with addition of SIRRA Calendar under New Business.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes
Motion by Jeanne/Michael to approve minutes of September 13, 2015. Carried
(It was noted the planned December meeting was cancelled and rebooked for today )
4. Business Arising from Last Meeting
5. Committee Reports
5.1 Finance – Ron Hall reviewed the financial report (attached). Current balance in Credit Union is $9,579.11
Motion: Ron moved acceptance of the Treasurers report. Carried
5.2. Membership – There are 225 members in total with 185 in good standing at present. Strategies for encouraging those in arrears were discussed. If using PayPal the fee is $20 for 3 year membership.
5.3 Communications – Bill is updating the member survey, with minor revisions as well as including addition of an open question "has anything else come up that should be addressed?" Once Val is back he will request her help post on Survey Monkey.
5.4 Roads - Ron raised the Harris Road situation at the Saturna Police Liaison meeting. Sergeant Rod Pick of Pender RCMP has submitted a letter to the Ministry of Transportation and Highways with no response. Joan will write a letter to MoTH
Draft SIRRA Directors Minutes of January 16, 2016 2
as follow up. Ron will contact Sergeant Pick to see if we can get a copy of his letter to which she can refer.
5.5 Ferries – Letters of feedback to BC Ferries Commission, prepared at the September meeting, were submitted by the expected deadline. A letter of acknowledgement has been received from Mark Collins.
5.6 Taxes – There was discussion of the recent property assessments. This year there will not be a Saturna representative on the appeal board. Bill described the process of appearing before the Review Panel.
5.7 Health – The Health Services Committee met earlier this week. Jeanne reported there is a new Clinic Manager and the transition is going well. There is a subcommittee exploring the process for getting the clinic onto the tax rolls, as was done on Galiano Island. The committee is also working on visioning how we would like health care delivery for Saturna Island residents to look in 10, 15 or 20 years.
In relation to emergency health, Ron mentioned that a committee of SIFPS is exploring increased funding in support of SIR. BC Emergency Health Services Commission representatives will be visiting Saturna at the end of the month.
6. New Business
6.1 Kayak - Fred Shadian was invited to this meeting to speak about the proposed kayak dock being submitted by Ocean River Sports as an addition to the Government Dock. Fred did not attend. Jeanne and Bill attended a community meeting in December concerning the application. They offered their insights from the meeting which they reported as a very angry event. SIMRES is planning to submit a letter of support based on low environmental impact and potential access for SEEC students to learn water skills. SIRRA, other community organizations and individuals have been requested to write letters of support to CRD Director Howe. Following discussion the following motion was proposed:
Motion by Bill/ Ryan, that SIRRA supports in principal, the proposed kayak project. Carried
Action: Joan will draft a letter and will circulate it for feedback prior to submission to CRD.
6.3 Proposed Date for AGM - May 28 at 11am. Suggested guest speaker relating to health delivery on Saturna. An election will be needed to fill several positions.
Draft SIRRA Directors Minutes of January 16, 2016 3
SIRRA constitution states that terms are 3 years and can be held for three consecutive terms, with maximum nine Directors on the Board.
6.4 SIRRA Calendar - The Saturna Community Club has developed a community calendar for posting local events. This may impact the SIRRA calendar which is already community wide. Discussion followed regarding the SCC website which started as a student project, the fact that no co-ordination was done with SIRRA and issues relating to a moderated website. The SIRRA calendar which is linked to the ListServe was noted as an advantage.
Motion: by Ryan/Jeanne, that the board supports carrying on with the SIRRA calendar and that Ron notify the SIRRA membership of this decision.. Carried
7. Next Meeting – March 12, 2016 at 10 am tentatively in RC Lounge (to be confirmed). Jeanne Crerar will chair the meeting.
8. Adjournment - the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 am.
Financial Report attached, next page.
Draft SIRRA Directors Minutes of January 16, 2016 4
