November 2016

Letter to Tsawout Tseycum First Nation RE: IR7 logging plan- August 10, 2016

From: charles reif <>
Subject: Community Meeting and Concerns
Date: August 10, 2016 at 1:04:03 PM PDT
To: "Jonathan Secter (SPSI-SERC)" <>
Cc: Casey L <>, Gordon Atkinson
<>, Johnstone Dian&Tom <>,
charles reif <>
Dear Mr. Secter,
Thank you for your patience in waiting for this reply. It was important for us to await the return of members of

IR7 Meeting Announcment- November 26, 2016

Dear Members of Saturna Community,
Tsawout Band Councillors and consultants will be present for
a public information session
regarding the revised logging plans for their land, Fiddler's
Cove, IR#7.
November 26, 1 to 3 pm at the Saturna Community Hall
Updated ( from the original Householder Mail out in June) -
maps, and details of the logging, transportation, and
environmental plans that have been provided courtesy of
the First Nation, and have been distributed electronically
through SCC and SIRRA.